Renovation & Restoration

  • Client: City Of Hamilton

  • Architects: +VG Architects and Invizij

  • Consulting Engineers: EXP Services

  •  Builder: Eastern Construction

  • Photographer: Tom Ridout

  • Timeline: Completed 2018

  • Project Cost: $35M

  • Category: Justice & Correctional

Project Overview

The Hamilton Provincial Offences Administration Courthouse is a designated heritage landmark. The existing building was constructed in 1958. In 2014, the City of Hamilton allocated $30 million for the restoration & renovation of the building’s Main Entrance, First and Second Floors. Fit out of the three-story Office Tower was added to the project scope during construction. Stringent Provincial requirements for illumination & energy management as well as the restoration of 56-year-oldcustom designed luminaires were our greatest challenges.

To address the Provincial requirements, we utilized LED technology and designed the control system in such a manner as to allow for pre-set scenes to be re-called based on time of day, occupancy or manual control. We retained the services of a custom luminaire manufacturer to restore the designated heritage light fixtures. Mock-ups were created and reviewed part way through construction and record drawings provided for future maintenance.

Dawn Brown contributed to this project as an employee of EXP Services Inc

the science of light

Quality lighting is a key factor in creating beautiful spaces where people enjoy spending time. Whether your project is residential, commercial or institutional the lighting will influence the experience of the people using your space.

We’re here to help you harness the science of light to achieve your goals. Our expertise is available free of obligation for added services or commitment to specific product lines.